Our very first Surfboat, the Glossy Topcoat
Found in the backyard of an Aussie living in The Netherlands, coverd with grass, mudd and no oars and rowlocks, we picked her up, put her in a shed and did the best maintenance/ transformation project ever. Here she was, The Glossy Topcoat. We brought her to the World Surfrowing Championships '04 in Viareggio, Italy where all presented Aussies and Kiwi's laughed their *%)* out of their Speedo's about these Dutchies with their old but Glossy boat.

The Glossy Topcoat was a 300 kg heavy, 25 year old Surfboat, but she gave us a lot of fun, bruises an tough stories. This is where we've learned how to row Surfboats, how to pull a wedgie (instead of using massage oil, cream etc.). In 2005 we have sold her to a German Surf Life Saving Club, so we could then import newer boats from Australia. But you will never forget your first love...